The ‘Free Education Policy’ of Sri Lanka allows every child to access primary and secondary education in state schools free of charge. However, at the tertiary level, there are very limited places (around 31,415 entrants for the academic year 2017/18 – catering for just 19.25% of the students sitting for G.C.E. A/L examination cohort of 250,000) (Sri Lanka University Statistics 2018) for higher education in state universities with no tuition or enrollment fees and there is heavy competition to access these limited places in the state university system.
Some of the students who failed to secure a place in the state university system chose distance education provided by state universities to pursue higher education while rest did not pursue higher education due to financial difficulties.Therefore, providing affordable tertiary education opportunities for all is an important policy initiative for Sri Lanka.Assuming distance education to have a per capita student cost significantly less than that of campus-based studies (as many do), the Sri Lankan government, too, have turned to the option of distance education to attempt to expand higher education in Sri Lanka.Establishment of distance education programme with blended-online programmes is regarded by education experts as a feasible/immediate solution to solve this issue in Sri Lanka and also to upgrade the distance education which was traditionally a print-based system with very few face-to-face seminars or tutorials
Feeding the growing population of the world requires capacity building of the practitioners/farmers. Enhancing agricultural productivity at a higher level of resource use efficiency is therefore, a need to increase overall agricultural production with a sustainability in focus.
The objective of the Course is to provide an opportunity to study agriculture-based entrepreneurship to those who wish to pursue a self-venture in a plethora of agricultural activities. The course is primarily for those who are willing to obtain structured theoretical and practical exposure to a wide variety of agribusinesses while ensuring more opportunities to access the education for the people who are seeking further education in Sri Lanka.
School Leavers and anybody who interested in doing Agriculture as a business entry qualifications
The Registrar of the University shall call applications by means of a paper advertisement.
Applications should be forwarded under Registered Post to the Head, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya.
Application should reach the Head, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture on or before the closing date for applications. Two self-addressed 9”x4” stamped envelopes, should be enclosed along with the application form.
An aptitude test will be conducted and selection will be done according to the marks obtained
No copies or originals of the certificates should be sent along with the application form.
Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) Level 1 & NVQ level 3
Those who passed GCE O/L examination.
Those who passed grade 8 with 3 years of experience in the Agricultural sector in Sri Lanka.
Any other qualifications acceptable to the Bos (DE) or Senate of the University of Ruhuna
Medium of the instructions is both English and Sinhala.
The time duration of the program is six months and the lectures are conducted on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).
OnThe courses will be offered in blended mode of delivery and other distance education tools e.g. e-learning, m-learning, etc. The videos, Open Educational Resources (OER) and other teaching resources will be uploaded to the LMS so that, students can do student-centered learning.
The practical will be conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna; in collaboration with partner institutes and private sector organizations
The assessment of the course units of the program consists of following two aspects.
Rs. 20,000.00 (This price may vary on next intake)
Lecture Panel